Bega Valley Business Forum complete Resilience Project

NSW Government

The Bega Valley Business Forum have recently completed a 2 year project to help with business Resilience and Activation. The project was jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments and supported the work of the six local Chambers of Commerce that make up the Forum.

Each of the Chambers ran a town summit, where they engaged with local stakeholders to discuss the challenges of their towns and create a plan for the future. The forum also ran a Regional Summit and undertook an internal governance review.

Below is a list of each of the Chambers and a link to their strategic plans.


Stage 2 of the project included access to funding for Project initiatives that were identified in the strategic plans. Below is a list of the projects that have be funded through the program.

  • Bega
    • Creation of new welcome signs to town
    • Website development to include new Membership directory
    • Renovation of Community Kiosk
    • Installation of fairy lights in Airds Walkway
  • Merimbula
  • Pambula
    • Development of the Pambula Village history trail that celebrates 22  local heritage buildings
      and shares the unique stories of their inhabitants, as well as exploring the legacy of our indigenous history.
    • Host the Christmas Village Vibes celebration with Santa, food vans, local musicians & School bands along with Rotary & Men’s shed
  • Tathra
    • Ran the Beachside Beats and Eats event held on the June long weekend 2023
    • Complete the design, construction & landscape of Tathra’s welcome signage, including Tathra’s Traditional aboriginal language & meaning
    • Design & printing of a Tathra Town Map & visitor guide.
  • Cobargo
    • The CTBA in conjunction with Cobargo creators wish to run an annual event called celebrate Cobargo. The event brings our community together with stalls music,projects for the children and a wide variety of foods . This event always proves a strong connection with the community, and creates businesses to become actively involved and showcase their wares.
    • Development of a new website including new logo, and photography
  • Eden
    • Fund the position of Community Development Officer for a period of 6 months.
  • Bega Valley Business Forum
    • Ran the first shire wide Business Awards program to celebrate the diverse range of businesses in the Bega Valley.

The forum are very appreciative to have received the funding for these projects and are grateful to the funding bodies. We are also very please to be able to work with the six local Chambers who identified these projects and were able to implement them.



Australian Government

NSW Government



Disclaimer. This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Although funding for this product has been provided by both the Australian and NSW Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either government.

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