Bega Valley Business Forum Inc. Logo

Business Forum welcomes FRRR funding

The Bega Valley Business Forum has received funding for a coordinators role from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal in partnership with the Paul Ramsay Foundation.

This project funding has been used to engage a local consulting firm BizBast. Since November 2021 the coordinators have been busy working on activities in this role to support 6 of the local business chambers that are members of the Bega Valley Business Form.

Some of these activities include:

  • Grant Funding Applications
  • Governance review and good governance guide
  • Capacity building meetings and action plans
  • Digital marketing support
  • New website development

The Bega Valley Business forum very much appreciates this funding from FRRR and it has been put to good use in supporting the not-for-profit volunteer led local business chambers. It is expected that the work under this funding will complete in June 2022.


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